Plant Growing Guides

Verbena Plant Food & Growing Guide

Discover the essential nutrients that verbena thrives on and how you can ensure optimal growth with HydraGarden's innovative solutions.

What Customers Say

Why Verbena Needs Specialized Nutrients

Verbena requires specialized nutrients such as nitrogen for leaf growth, phosphorus for root development, and potassium for flower production, ensuring robust and vibrant plant health.


Water verbena deeply and evenly when the top inch of soil feels dry.


Provide verbena with full sun for at least 6-8 hours daily to encourage abundant flowering.


Plant verbena in well-draining soil amended with organic matter to promote healthy root development.

Additional Tips

Deadhead verbena should be used regularly to prolong blooming and maintain a tidy appearance


What nutrients does Verbena need?

Verbena needs nitrogen for leaf growth, phosphorus for root development, and potassium for flower production.

How often should I feed Verbena?

For optimal growth and flowering, feed verbena with a balanced fertilizer every 4-6 weeks during the growing season.

Can I use homemade plant food for Verbena?

Homemade plant food can be used for verbena, but using a specialized product ensures it receives the precise nutrients essential for healthy growth and blooming.